This Is How We Met: Kurt Luitwieler's Story
Today is literally (thank you, Chris Treager) a virtual He Said, She Said. Jennifer Luitwieler shared her side of the TIHWM story earlier and now it's her husband Kurt's turn. I've enjoyed getting to know Kurt and his wit via Twitter and I'm confident you'll enjoy his take on meeting his beautiful bride.
It was a cold and stormy night…just kidding.
How did we meet? MEET? That’s different than the “when did you know she was the one?” question. Maybe that’ll be another post someday.
Technically, we met at Shadyside Christian Fellowship before a college fellowship night. My roommate, the guitar-playing Italian from Boca Raton, led the music and convinced two of us to come for the first time that night. He was working on his instrument at the other end of the room. (He was fond of quipping, “Playing ancient Chinese anthem: TUN-ING” It was the kind of joke that was only funny because he would say it EVERY time…) Music, games, speaker, usually snack or get together after. What’s not to like for a college kid with no money?
We had just finished playing volleyball as a group. Had a blast. My buddy and I were amped up because I made a great dig to save a point, then he passed it back to me and I spiked it for the final point. So, when we saw my roommate, we made our way purposely across the room. On the way, I spotted my college goalkeeper coach who was the adult leader of the fellowship group. I said, “hi” and gave him a punch on the shoulder or something very manly like that. You know how we do.
He was talking to some girl. I heard her mention in passing something about being an English major. I really enjoyed messing with people back then. Nothing mean-spirited or dangerous. Just playing. So, I said something like, “pffft…English majors…” She looked so serious. Too serious. Looked like she needed a little verbal punch in the shoulder. It worked, too. Her eyebrows raised up 2 inches and her eyes dilated and focused and sent lasers through my skull. Perfect. I chuckled and continued on to see my roommate and get on with the festivities.
What’s funny is that moment held no special significance at the time. I figured I would talk to that girl eventually, but I had no designs on “making my move” or even asking her out. Honest. I had just a couple weeks ago sworn off dating. I had broken up with my high school girlfriend. (She went to Stanford and I went to Carnegie Mellon University.) It was more of a pragmatic thing than a true break-up. Thousands of miles and several hours time difference made it unrealistic to continue. So, we both decided to just move on.
Of course, it was the right thing to do. I knew there were “other fish in the sea.” Still. Took me a week or so to come out of the BLAHS. So, we decided to try out this Shadyside Christian Fellowship thing. Something different. Shake things up a bit.
It’s funny. Just when I swore I would not look for something, I found it. Of course, I didn’t FIND IT that night. That serious English Major was not impressed. At the time, I thought she was smart and nice but wasn’t interested. Then, we met again. And again. Each time, I inched from my position of no girls/dating to “huh, she’s cool” to “wow, I need to know this person” to “oh my…”
Another friend of mine from that Fellowship Group used to wish people, “Good Providence!” I like that.
Providence. (Not the Rhode Island variety, though I’m sure it’s a fine city.) Defined: God, especially as showing foreseeing care and protection of his creatures.
That’s how we met: through Providence. No work or plan on my part brought it to bear. It’s freeing and frustrating to think about: the lack of power and control over important events in our lives.
I guess that, too, would be a whole other post, wouldn’t it?
There it is. The time I met my true love for the first time.
Good Providence to you!
Bio: Taught high school mathematics in an independent high school for 17 years. Recently decided to change lanes and move to the soccer world full time. Married to Jennifer Luitwieler (Author, wife, and mother extraordinaire) with three amazing kids.