Made With Love, Not Perfection
Yes, I'm an Introvert

Introverts in the Church- Review and Giveaway

There are two things you should know. Prior to reading Introverts in the Church,

1. I described myself as an extrovert with introvert tendencies.

2. I made the decision to leave my church.

Introverts in Church #3702
Author Adam McHugh generously sent me a copy after I shamelessly humbly asked. Fortuitously, I began reading the book in early January

I loved Introverts in the Church so much that I'm buying a copy to give away to one reader. Details about the giveaway at the end of the post.

When I started reading, Mumford & Sons' lyrics came to mind: "Now let me at the truth which will refresh my broken mind." OK, maybe the lyrics didn't come to mind then but I saw them play at the Ryman last week and now it's all Mumford, all the time. 

"Our slower pace of life, our thoughtfulness, our spiritual and intellectual depth, and our listening abilities are prophetic qualities for the evangelical community, calling us to a renewed understanding of God and a fresh reading on the abundant life Jesus came to give us. Yet because of the extroverted bias in many of our churches, introverts are leading double lives. We are masquerading as extroverts in order to find acceptance, yet we feel displaced and confused. We are weary of fighting our introversion, and we long to live faithfully as the people we were created to be." -Introverts in the Church, p. 31, emphasis my own

I needed this book. I just hadn't realized why.

McHugh skillfully reveals introverts' strengths, as well as the way introverts and extroverts can partner together in the church. We need each other, though this is not always evident in the church. Prior to reading this, I hadn't realized how often the evangelical church caters to the "upfront, talkative, active" (p. 21) extrovert personality. Certainly, not every church does so but it's been true of the churches I've attended this past decade. It was like finding a missing puzzle piece: my disconnect at church suddenly made sense.

Any church that leans fully in one direction or the other misses out on the opportunity to be a cohesive body of Christ. Extroverts have their gifts, as do introverts. When worship, evangelizing, and teaching styles and ministry opportunities cater to one side, people will end up feeling disconnected at best and that they're not "true" Christians at worst. McHugh offers great insights as to how churches can create more welcoming environments for the introverts in their midst. He also offers advice for introverted pastors and leaders. This is a superb resource for anyone in church leadership.

McHugh paints an evenhanded portrait of introverts. They're not given a free pass or elevated on a pedestal. While he acknowledges their potential need for a healing, a section I found especially helpful, he also challenges introverts to adopt external spiritual practices and to step out of their comfort zone. He notes the goal is to "stretch our personality preferences without distorting them" (p. 60.) It is important for introverts to tune in to the relationships and activities around them no matter what they face.

Because of the way McHugh describes the introverted personality and spirituality, it is a great resource for extroverts as well. We should all seek to understand one another and odds are good that you know an introvert or three. We're everywhere.

Yes. I now accept that I am an introvert. Reading this book was incredibly healing for me and why I've said it's the most important book that I'll have read all year. And why I have a week's worth of posts about it.

Now those of you that know me might be incredulous. I had this very conversation with a friend the other night. "You're not an introvert! You're always with friends and going out and..." There's a difference between being a people person and how we recharge. It has everything to do with where we draw our energy- extrovert (external) and introvert (internal).

The Giveaway:

I'm giving away a copy of Introverts in the Church to one reader! This giveaway is limited to US residents only.

UPDATE: After reading this review, Doug Mullin, a generous soul, has offered to buy a copy for one Canadian reader. How cool is that? If you're Canadian and would like to enter the giveaway, please answer the question below and let me know in the comment that you're Canadian as well. Thanks, Doug!

To enter:

  • Comment whether you think you're an introvert or an extrovert. This does not have to be your official Myers-Briggs results.

For an extra entry:

  • Subscribe to HopefulLeigh and get my posts by email or feed reader, then leave a comment that you've done so. If you already do this because you're a rockstar, then leave a comment saying so.

The giveaway will run through next Tuesday March 20 10 pm CST. The winner will be notified by email. If I do not hear back within 3 days, I will select a new winner.

GIVEAWAY CLOSED By the power of random selection, Casi won the copy from me and Bekka is the lucky Canadian winner. Both have been notified and the books are in the mail. Congrats!

Disclosure: Amazon Affiliate links included in this post. If you click through to Amazon, I'll get a few pennies to help support this site, as well as my book habit. Thanks for your support!
