"When we talk about settling the world's problems, we're barking up the wrong tree. The world is perfect. It's a mess. It has always been a mess. We are not going to change it. Our job is to straighten out our own lives." - Joseph Campbell
She and I sit over a cup of coffee
We're solving the world's problems, we joke
Because of course our solutions are right
Whether world peace or what to wear on our next dates
Lofty goals, maybe
But it's easier to see problems
From the outside looking in
Than examine what's inside
Enough about me, I say
Though, really, I've only grazed the surface
Time to retreat to safety and turn the tables
I stretch my hand across
To comfort, to console
I won't try to fix you, at least I don't think
The questions I ask you, I ask myself
In listening to you, I listen to me
But letting you ask the questions?
I'm not ready
Every time the rain lashes out
I wonder where the homeless find shelter
This question keeps tugging
Systems are in place, to help or to maintain
Maybe even limit
It's not hard to see Contributor vendors
And believe my $1 tip is enough (in)action
Be the change, I admonish myself
Be the freaking change
But it's months later and I still haven't acted
The To Do list is ever long
I stick to the tasks I know, slowly branching out
I incorporate all of life that way
Adding a friend here and there
Trying something new
Dipping a toe into the unknown
Seeing how brave I am the day before, the day of
Voicing in-the-moment concerns out loud
Instead of quietly puzzling through
The easier route needles me
Vulnerability is risky business
Even for me
Especially for me
But it's worth it every time
And so I invite you to iron the wrinkles
Turn the tables on me
It's time for straightening
To be the me I'm meant to be
Change, I whisper within
This corner of the world
Messy in perfection
Invites you in for tea
Linking up to the Gathered Thoughts party at LoveFeast Table. I rarely publish poetry here but these words have bounced around ever since my blog friend Laura of Hollywood Housewife asked me to participate. Be sure to see how other people were inspired by their Gathered Thought.
What came to mind when you read the Joseph Campell quote?