What I'm Into (July 2014 Edition)
There was a week this month in which weather in the 60s and 70s reigned supreme, it never topped the low 80s, and humidity remained scarce. There was much rejoicing in the land. Then July reared its ugly humid head all over again and I wept. But then! This week saw a return to that blissful humidity-free state. Blessed be.
Read and Reading:
Nish Weiseth is one of my dear friends and it was an absolute thrill to finally read her book Speak: How Your Story Can Change the World. The level of vulnerability and high quality storytelling made this one I couldn't put down. Nish has given us all a gift with Speak. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her message and what it's inspiring in me. It's out August 5 so pre-order your copy now!
Hard Choices is a fascinating account of Hillary Clinton's 4 years as the US Secretary of State. I previously understood the role of the Secretary in the big picture sense but this behind-the-scenes was particularly illuminating. I'm sure there's much she could not disclose due to the sensitive nature of the job but I appreciated learning what she was able to reveal, particularly the Middle East and Africa and how interconnected all countries are. Sure, there were missteps along the way but I was blown away by the many changing pieces the Secretary must deal with on a daily and even hourly basis. I didn't view this as a campaign book- she still hasn't decided whether she'll run yet- but as an inside glimpse into Clinton's work and life.
I am determined to try legitimate canning this summer. Preserving by the Pint was a timely arrival. I've already tried the pickled summer squash, which was insanely tasty.
The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. (Waldman) is one of those interesting novels you think long and hard about while reading and after. It may have resonated with me because I'm still single and have dealt with dudebros like Nate before and likely will again. But it also offered compelling commentary on feminism, relationships in general, and the people we wish we were vs. who we actually are.
We'll be discussing my all-time favorite novel A Prayer for Owen Meany (Irving) next month on The Red Couch. My introductory post will be up next week. Hope you'll join us!
You can see all the books I've read at Goodreads.
Currently reading: Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal (Moore), The Brothers K (Duncan), Amazing Grace (Norris), New and Selected Poems: Volume 1 (Oliver), Wisdom of the Enneagram (Riso and Hudson)
(I read 11 books this month.)
Must-see TV: So You Think You Can Dance, The Real Housewives of New York, The Real Housewives of Orange County, Real Housewives of New Jersey, Project Runway, Drunk History
I finished season 3 of Scandal. (!!!!)
Have you watched Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee yet? I meant to watch it last season but never got around to it. Now that the new season has begun, I'm all in.
I actually went to the theater! If you loved Once, you'll love Begin Again, as it's brought to us by the same director. Who knew Keira Knightly could sing?! Mark Ruffalo is perfection as usual and I can't enough of the soundtrack. A great movie through and through. I didn't even mind Adam Levine.
New discoveries: Jetta, Asgeir, Capital Cities
You may not know this but I love hard rock music. To that end, I'm digging Seether's new album, especially the song Words As Weapons.
Listen to the What I'm Into 2014 playlist.
Things I Love:
- Celebrating 4th of July with the Williams clan and friends
Amanda and sparklers- what could be better?
- Fireworks all around us
- Listening to NPR on a more regular basis. I catch part of All Things Considered on my drive home and it keeps me calmer, while also making me feel smarter. I wish I would have started this habit years ago!
- Mally Mascara from Birchbox
- Meeting up with Lindsey first and then Francie at Edgehill Cafe
- Hanging out with Bethany Suckrow, who is now a Nashvillian! So fun having her here.
- Antonia came to visit. So much fun talking about all the things and taking her to some of my favorite places
- Snuggling my nephew-in-love every chance I get. Babies are the best.
- My niece-in-love stopping by to see the new house. The only way she could like it more, she told me, is if we had a bunk bed. Duly noted for future sleepovers, A.
- Catching up with my old pal Ryan and meeting his new wife Megan. Ryan and I have been friends since we were 15 years old. Crazy.
- Watching my coaching business grow in its first month. It has been such an honor to help people figure out their type. I am totally high on life after each session. I can't wait to share the new site with you soon!
- A long-awaited catch-up lunch with Allison
- Strolling through Franklin with Suzannah whilst eating cupcakes and talking life. Like we do.
What I'm Into Link Up Guidelines:
1. Today’s link-up will stay up for one week. The next What I'm Into link up will be Friday August 29.
2. Link the unique URL of your post, not your blog's home page. Readers peruse link ups months after the fact and you want to make it easy for them to find your What I'm Into post.
3. Please include the What I'm Into button or mention you're linking up with What I'm Into at Leigh Kramer.
4. Visit at least 2 other posts in the linkup!
What have you been into this month?
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