I Think I'll Go For A Walk Outside Now
Review: Dating-ish by Penny Reid

What I'm Into (May 2017 Edition)


May is ending and that means a new chapter of my life is about to begin. I moved to the Twin Cities partly because of the school where I'll be getting my MLIS degree from. I moved here in the fall because I wanted there to be enough time to find a job and get settled in my own place. Neither of those things has happened. But this summer I'll take my first class and start the process of obtaining my second masters degree. Life doesn't look how I imagined it would but I'm exactly where I need to be. All in due time, all in due time.


Read and Reading

  PicMonkey Collage

The best thing I read this month was Dating-Ish, the sixth book in Penny Reid's wonderful Knitting In The City series. My review will be up tomorrow. So many feels!


The Shadow Land cements Elizabeth Kostova as one of my favorite authors, which is saying something since this is the third novel she's written in 12 years. Her books are worth the wait. Reminiscent of her first novel The Historian, The Shadow Land combines two of my favorite genres: past-present storylines and what I like to call "kickass lady academic embroiled in a mystery." It is a rich and winding tale through Bulagaria, a country I didn't know much about. We follow Alexandra and her new friend Bobby as they try to track down a family and stay one step ahead of whoever is after them. And in between, we learn about pre-WWII Bulgaria leading up to the present, as well as the tragedy in Alexandra's past. I wasn't sure about Alexandra at first but she grew on me, especially as secondary characters were introduced. One portion is a first-person account of a post-WWII Bulgarian prison camp and these chapters were hard to read because of how awful conditions were but I appreciated Kostova's depiction of how one might try to retain a sense of themselves and where their minds would go in order to physically keep going. During this part of the book, when the next chapter would bring us back to the present storyline, it felt like a relief. I think this is part of why I like Kostova's work so much, however. We feel what the characters feel and experience what they're experiencing through her detailed prose. Not every author has that gift. Her previous two books made me want to know the mystery and the history of those settings but I felt this one more deeply, perhaps because of how hard things have been in Bulgaria since the war and the limitations in place on its inhabitants. As for the mystery, I had a pretty good idea of who was behind it all but the resolution still managed to surprise me and it ends on a promising note. Although, I could have kept reading about Alexandra, Bobby, and Neven for quite some time. 


I have mixed feelings about King's Cage (Aveyard), the third installment of the Red Queen series. I still find the world-building to be extremely compelling, as well as relevant to today. Each successive book drives home the tensions between the Silvers and the Reds and the moral repugnance of the way the Silvers enslave the Reds. There is no clear way forward for these factions but the newbloods show there might be a third way and the new alliance in this book shows the Red Guard, Montfort, and Command working to integrate Silvers, Reds, and newbloods. This was fascinating and while the analogy doesn't hold up entirely when we think about race and privilege in our world, there's a lot for us to take away. (You can read the rest of my review on Goodreads. Because thoughts, I have them.)


I rarely read historical fiction but when I saw Angela of Feeding My Addiction Book Reviews, who also eschews HF, raved about this one, I decided to give A Lady's Code Of Misconduct (Duran) a try. I'm so glad I did! The writing and the characters immediately grabbed me. My heart went out to Jane who is a victim of circumstance given the limited options for women at that time. To see how she held onto hope, in spite of her limitations, and then grabbed at the random opportunity life threw her way was inspiring. Crispin has a lot of enemies and when he's left for dead, Jane seizes her chance at happiness and finds someone (at Crispin's original recommendation) to forge the marriage license. Only Crispin survives! And he has amnesia and doesn't remember the person he became! He's no longer acting like Jane's enemy! Are you catching my excitement about these developments??? Duran wove together a marvelous plot and readers are kept guessing at how Crispin will respond once his memory returns and whether the feelings he and Jane have for each other will survive. I loved the slowly built romance, the intrigue, and the character growth. I could have lived in this world forever! 


You can see all the books I've read at Goodreads

Currently reading: The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (Alexander), The Art Of Happiness (Dalai Lama), Write Naked: A Bestseller's Secrets to Writing Romance and Navigating the Path to Success (Probst), Emotional Agility (David), Strange The Dreamer (Taylor)



I was incredibly saddened by the death of Chris Cornell. His music meant a lot to me over the years. Even though the video for Black Hole Sun scarred me for life! But that song aside, Soundgarden and Audioslave's music greatly spoke to me and I also appreciated the way he was open about his addiction and all that he overcame. I've been listening to some of my favorites, like I Am The Highway and Tell Me How To Live. The music takes me back to a specific point in my life but also keeps me tethered to the present. That's the power of Chris Cornell.


Let the record reflect, I, Leigh Kramer, voluntarily and purposefully listen to Harry Styles AND I LIKE IT. (I don't know who I am anymore.) I have never understood the appeal of his former band but his solo album is catchy and impressive and my kind of angsty. Plus. it shows just how talented he is. I love catching the nods to the music that inspires him. Current favorite songs: Sign Of The Times, Carolina, Sea Creature. (If you don't want to consider listening to HS, stay far away from Dame Sophie and do not under any circumstances watch his Carpool Karaoke. Definitely do not watch Harry and James sing Endless Love.)


I've been listening to the radio in my car more often. 96.3 is an alternative station and while I wish they'd play more hard rock (I NEED MY HARD ROCK!), I've been impressed by the variety. (Fun fact: in Chicago, 96.3 is B96 and it plays club music.)


New discoveries: Khalid, Alessia Cara

Listen to the What I'm Into playlist.



Everyone- and I mean EVERYONE- needs to listen to Reply All's What Kind Of Idiot Gets Phished? I haven't stopped thinking about it for the past week and a half since it aired. I'm not saying I'm paranoid...but I'm paranoid.


W. Kamau Bell's episode on How To Be Amazing with Michael Ian Black was everything I'd hoped it would be. I love him! One of my few regrets from my time in San Francisco is I never made it to one of his stand-up shows. One of these days... Other highlights from the HTBA archives: Ira Glass, Lin-Manuel Miranda.


I was so nostalgic while listening to Overdue's discussion of From The Mixed-up Files Of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. One of my favorite books as a kid!


Literally every episode of Code Switch from this month:


Episode #80 on What Should I Read Next? was one of the show's best. Cori's thoughts on racial equity and empathy were fascinating and I could have listened to a whole episode of just that but the book discussion was interesting too.


The only thing wrong with Gabourey Sidibe's episode on Death, Sex, & Money is it wasn't long enough! I loved hearing more about her start as an actor and her thoughts and feelings about her body. It made me want to read her book!


I haven't watched Elisabeth Moss in anything other than The West Wing so I was not expecting to enjoy her episode on Off Camera with Sam Jones as much as I did. Her thoughts on creativity and what it takes to make it as an artist were super interesting and I liked hearing more about how her career began. While I don't plan on watching The Handmaid's Tale (too intense/violent for me), I really appreciated learning about her role as a producer and getting to hear all the behind-the-scenes stuff.


This American Life episode #615: The Beginning Of Now freaked me out and made me despair anew over the state of politics but I think it's important to be aware of the Republican machinations behind this last election. TAL re-aired #218: Act V, which is about prisoners who put on Hamlet, and it's some of the best storytelling I've encountered in a while. One of the prisoner's insights into Hamlet had me seeing the play in a brand new light.



  • My friend Chris Ann's husband Todd is an amazing cook and made us some of the best steak I've had. Still thinking about that meal. The conversation was pretty great too!



  • Addie and I had dinner at Oak Eatery (the food and service were top notch!) and then went to see Lauren Winner speak as part of the Faith & Life Lecture series. It was really neat to see her but the highlight of the night was time with Addie.


  • My friend Kelley came into town to visit our mutual friend Annie and it was such a delight to see her! She wasn't in Nashville the last time I visited so it had been almost 2 years since we'd seen each other. The three of us went to the giant Bryn Mawr neighborhood garage sale. I couldn't believe how many houses participated! I found some awesome wedge heels for $3. Afterward we sipped mimosas on the porch and got a late lunch at Nong's Thai. The weather was perfect, as was the conversation.


  • I put in two more stints of pet-sitting and that should be it for a while: first, Gus the cat who is the best snuggler and then sweet Foxy dog.


  • My roommate and I have been ships in the night so we scheduled a time to hang out. We went for a walk around the neighborhood and discovered not one but two Little Free Libraries and then we watched Jim Gaffigan's new comedy special (leaf hospice cracked me up!) 


  • Somehow a month passed without Karin and I hanging out, which is unprecedented. We planned on watching a movie once her girls went to bed but instead we gabbed the night away. It was good to catch up and maybe next time we'll do something other than talk. Maybe.


  • Annie surprised me with a bottle of Butter, one of my favorite chardonnays, which she didn't know. She is such a good friend! I love sitting in her living room and hanging out.


  • Kelly and I met up for lunch at Pizza Luce. Now that I'm temping, it's been tricky to find time to see each other but she drove down close to where I'm working. I ate my favorite muffaletta sandwich and we talked through summer plans and what we're learning and it was just what I needed.


  • I've been missing San Francisco lately and since I can't get back for a visit right now, eating pho here was the next best solution. Haley, Roger, and one of their children met me at Quang's and I had pho ga and it was almost as good as my favorite place in SF. I'll definitely be back! We talked about the Enneagram and books so it was pretty much the best conversation. Afterward, Haley and I went to Izzy's because she told me they have dairy-free options, which perked up my ears. I tried the DF chocolate peanut butter and it was delicious. It's not too far from school so I have a feeling I'll be stopping in there before class when I need a treat.


  • I used to talk with friends on the phone alllll the time but it's become more rare in this day and age of Voxer and texting. It made me appreciate my respective phone calls with Linda and Barbara that much more. It was so good to talk about anything and everything with them.



Favorite Instagram:

I always wish for more wish flowers.


(If you want to follow me on Instagram, my user name is leighkramer.)



What I'm Into

What I'm Into Link Up Guidelines:

1. Today’s link-up will stay open for one week. The next What I'm Into link up will be Saturday July 1. 

2. Link the unique URL of your post, not your blog's home page. Readers peruse link ups months after the fact and you want to make it easy for them to find your What I'm Into post.

3. Please include the What I'm Into button or mention you're linking up with What I'm Into at Leigh Kramer.

4. Visit at least 2 other posts in the linkup!





What have you been into this month? 

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