Favorite Fiction of 2018
My only reading goal for 2019 is to write shorter reviews in a timely manner and it's all based on how long it's taken me to put together my favorite book lists for 2018. TOO LONG. You would think if I loved a book, I'd immediately write a review proclaiming all the reasons why but alas, this did not happen for at least half of what will be featured in the three ensuing posts. Often, I'll want time to process the magic and goodness or be at a loss as to how to say anything in written form when really I just want to jump up and down yelling about how good it is.
In any case, along with writing fewer reviews, I noticed some big changes in my reading habits last year. While I've always read way more fiction, I read noticeably less non-fiction. Reading has been more of an escape for me the past couple of years and I needed that escape especially in 2018. And I escape best through stories.
But I also noticed a shift in the stories I gravitated toward. When it comes to fiction, I go for romance first, YA second (especially YA Fantasy), and then general fiction, with some exceptions. There's nothing wrong with that but it's interesting to note that during a stressful year, I wanted guaranteed happy endings most of all and then YA after that.
However, I still read some amazing general fiction. There's a little literary fiction, women's fiction, thrillers, and even some sci-fi. One book was an intentional step out of my comfort zone and boy, was it worth it.
Usually I roll these out my favorite book posts one after another but I'm still writing reviews so I'll post as they're ready. Be on the lookout for my favorite nonfiction, YA (in a separate post for the first time!), and romance novels!
Disclosure: Affiliate links included in this post.
Jane Doe - Victoria Helen Stone
Can’t stop won’t stop talking about my new role model Jane! She happens to be a sociopath but don’t let your preconceived notions about sociopathy prevent you from appreciating the glory known as Jane. Also: don’t piss her off or hurt someone she cares about. I have not been able to shut up about this refreshing, inventive domestic suspense! I fell for Jane on page one and I’m not ashamed to admit how many times I’ve asked myself, “what would Jane do?” She is not bogged down by anxiety or insecurity or shame and it was super empowering to live vicariously through her as she plotted revenge. Steven got everything he deserved and I definitely needed to see a man actually pay for his crimes against women. If you need a book that essentially says “screw the patriarchy and all abusive gaslighting men!,” pick up a copy and thank me later.
As delicious as the book was, there were so many other clever or touching elements, like Jane adopting a cat and finding a kindred spirit in it. Or the quiet love story that emerged, which made me so happy. Victoria Helen Stone has given us a gift.
Buy the book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Witchmark - C.L. Polk
Witchmark is a fantasy novel built around a murder mystery. If you like stories about witches, you have got to check it out! Evocative writing, reveals that made me gasp, thorough world-building. Best of all: I deeply cared about the characters. Miles and Tristan are drawn together because of the mystery and a lovely love story emerged as a result. I adored them. Witchmark raises good questions about privilege and class differences through the ways mages are valued over witches, Storm-Singers over Secondaries. And I really liked the emphasis on the freedom of choice, how we must be able to choose our way through this world instead of being forced or limited to one avenue. I thoroughly enjoyed the world Polk created and I can’t wait to see what happens in book two.
Buy the book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
A Study In Scarlet Women - Sherry Thomas
I don't think I'll ever get enough of gender-bending retellings and this is my favorite Sherlock Holmes take yet. Thomas subverts the patriarchy and empowers her Charlotte Holmes, never letting society dictate what Charlotte can do. Turning Watson into a widow gives the series even more room to grow and highlights what's possible when women take their future into their own hands, even in 1860s England. The mystery was compelling and I remained ever in awe of Charlotte's intellect, but I was really there for the characters, including police detective Treadles, Charlotte's sister Olivia, and Lord Ingram. A Conspiracy in Belgravia (Amazon | Barnes & Noble) was just as good and I'm hoping to get around to The Hollow Of Fear (Amazon | Barnes & Noble), which came out in October, as soon as possible.
Buy the book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Susanna Kearsley
This year I decided I wanted to try to read the rest of Kearsley's backlist (not including her category romance.) It was a very loose goal that I didn't determine until February or March and as such, I still have two to go. Five out of the six novels I did read were 5 star reads. She's an author that just plain works for me!
Susanna Kearsley’s novels build in the loveliest ways. I loved the way The Rose Garden (Amazon | Barnes & Noble) examined Eva’s grief after the death of her sister and the way her found family took care of her. Plus, time travel! And intrigue! And a tea house that I wish was real so I could visit!
I didn’t want The Shadowy Horses (Amazon | Barnes & Noble) to end! I was so fully immersed in the story, dying to know what the archeology team might unearth, whether the Roman army had ever come through there, and just what might set the Sentinel’s soul at ease. Not to mention how fun it was to see a young wee Robbie whom I met as an adult in The Firebird. Plus, the lovely development of Verity and David’s relationship.
Mariana (Amazon | Barnes & Noble) was another enthralling read! I love how her stories play with the paranormal and intuition. I’ve never believed in the concept of past lives or perhaps I should say I never understood it. But Mariana’s story turned out to be a rather compelling argument. I loved figuring out who the present day characters were in their past lives! And I absolutely adored watching Julia find a home and community in a small British town. The resolution was perfect and I closed the book with a smile on my face and a sense of satisfaction in my heart.
Bellewether (Amazon | Barnes & Noble) was an absolute winner! The present day storyline follows Charley who has moved in with her 19 year old niece Rachel after the unexpected death of Charley's brother Niels. She's the new curator at the Wilde House Museum and comes to learn of the house's ghost: Lydia Wilde's Frenchman who was killed by her brother. We get both Lydia and Jean-Philippe's POV and the transitions between all three POVs was excellent. Kearsley deftly explores grief through the death of Charley's brother/Rachel's father, as well as the deaths of Lydia's mother and her fiancé. Bellewether examines the reality of history, compared to how stories can take on a life of their own. This goes beyond what happened to Lydia Wilde and her Frenchman. Charley is very intentional in how she curates, making sure she portrays history as it was, not just as we wish or imagine it was. We have to tell the whole truth, warts and all. I both loved and dreaded watching Lydia and Jean-Philippe slowly develop feelings for one another. After all: this is a ghost story, which meant any happy ending was in jeopardy. But as this was happening in the past storyline, Charley was dealing with her lackluster love interest Tyler and then thankfully, finally, realizing what a treasure Sam was. I loved how the plot developed and the way the mystery unfolded.
There’s so much to love about A Desperate Fortune (Amazon | Barnes & Noble): old diaries, codebreaking, perilous journeys, Jacobites, a hot Frenchman, past and present storylines. Here for all of it! I can't speak to the representation of Sara's Asperger's in the present day storyline but it seemed like it was handled well. I especially liked the contrast between how her cousin watched out for her all these years and how Luc accepts her as is and instinctively knew how to help her because his brother also has Asperger's. Mary's storyline in the past was quite engaging—never a dull moment once her journey began. It was such a different look at the Jacobites and it was good, albeit hard, to see the very real toll it took on families. Her own love story was wonderful and a well paced slow burn. And I appreciated that it took second place to her adventure and to her forging her own identity as a young woman apart from the expectations placed on her.
Trail Of Lightning (The Sixth World #1) - Rebecca Roanhorse
This was seriously amazing! The Sixth World series centers on Dinétah (a former Navajo reservation) after flooding wiped out most of the world. It's an #ownvoices Native post-apocalyptic story and the incredible world-building had me hooked. Maggie the Monsterslayer was such a fierce, prickly character and I really appreciated the way she grew through the course of the story. She experienced major loss and hardship but she also needed to make sense of who she was, as someone who now has the god-gifted ability to kill monsters. It brought up a lot of questions about good and evil, identity, and who monsters are, beyond the monsters Maggie tracks in this particular novel. Kai was an intriguing character in his own right. I kept trying to get a read on him and his intentions but he kept me guessing the whole time. There were so many great side characters, plus the way Coyote and immortal monsterslayer Neizghání figured into the plot. When I reached the end, I immediately wanted to dive into book two (out April 23, 2019). What an ending! I absolutely have to know what will happen next to Maggie and her crew.
Buy the book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
The Late Bloomers' Club - Louise Miller
If Louise Miller is writing, I'm reading it. The beauty of this story lies in the characters. They are fully realized: charming, quirky, hopeful, cynical, wry, dour, kind, compassionate. Sometimes all at once. Nora and Kit are opposites who share a foundation. Charlie and Fern at the diner who are more like Nora’s family. All the townspeople in their glory. Kit’s boyfriend Max pretty much stole the show for me, from his leading ladies tattoos to his Zenisms to his enthusiasm for baking even though he’s vegan. This was a well-written, lovely story. It pulled on my heartstrings and the ending left me with a profound sense of satisfaction.
Buy the book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
The Incendiaries - R.O. Kwon
Literary fiction doesn't always work for me but this definitely did. It's a stunning exploration of faith, doubt, and what it's like to no longer believe. John Leal's rise as a cult leader was quite eerie yet I could see it happening all too easily. Will was not a healthy individual, particularly once he fixated on Phoebe. He did so many awful, selfish things and yet I could relate to his struggle with religion and the loss of certainty. Phoebe was less clear, purposefully so, as we never hear her point of view. She remains obscured, even to Will, which fuels his fixation when they're apart and gives him purpose when they're together. I loved the way Kwon wrote and structured this; the writing itself was beautiful. But it's the way the characters related to God (or didn't relate to him) that really held me captive to the story, all the way to the powerful conclusion.
Buy the book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
The Phantom Tree - Nicola Cornick
What really sold me on this story is that instead of a present day character traveling back to the past, we get a character from the past traveling to our present day. With this fascinating premise, we meet Alison Bannister who has been searching for a way to return to the 1550s and save her infant son Arthur ever since she emerged through a door to the present. The years passed but Alison has not given up on hope. When she finds an old portrait of her cousin Mary Seymour, she's one step closer to figuring out how to return home. But at the same time, the portrait draws her back into the orbit of her ex-boyfriend Adam who believes the portrait is of Anne Boleyn. She can't be fully honest with him about what she knows and she needs his help to investigate. The story spills out from there and it kept me absolutely enthralled. Gorgeous prose and impeccable plotting, backed up by excellent research. A thoroughly enjoyable and engaging read!
Buy the book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
The Girl In The Tower (Winternight Trilogy #2) - Katherine Arden
I really enjoyed The Bear And The Nightingale (which you must read first) but Girl In The Tower exceeded my hopes for where Arden would take her story. Vasya and Morozco are such compelling characters in and of themselves. Neither can be fully contained, albeit for different reasons, and Vasya’s burgeoning awareness of her strengths and abilities was marvelous. This book marks a new aspect to Vasya’s relationship to the frost demon., exploring whether there can be possibly be hope of a future together. Nothing is really as it seems in this world and that adds another layer of intrigue to the whole story. Plus, I continue to love how Russian fairy tales and folklore are woven in. Arden again explores the divide between good and evil, the power of love, and the importance of women having ownership in their lives and futures.
Buy the book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Next Year In Havana - Chanel Cleeton
If you enjoy past-present stories, if you're at all curious about Cuba, if you like your novels to come with a love story, you are going to need this book in your life. Next Year In Havana is an immersive experience. While officially Marisol travels to Cuba to write an article on tourism now that restrictions have eased, unofficially she's there on a journalist's visa to return her grandmother Elisa's ashes to her native country. Elisa's family left the country when Castro took over but they never thought Castro would stay in power or that they'd never be able to return. Upon Marisol's arrival, she meets Luis, the handsome professor grandson of her grandmother's best friend Ana. Through Ana and Luis, Marisol is able to see the Cuba from her grandmother's stories, as well as the Cuba of today. Two love stories, two depictions of Cuba. It highlights what modern Cubans have undergone and it does not shy away from the US government's complicity in Cuba's plight. I learned a lot but I never felt like I was being taught. This was a wonderfully written story.
Buy the book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Bone Music - Christopher Rice
I am the wimpiest of wimpy readers. I read the occasional thriller but I don’t read scary books and I rarely read about serial killers. But when I read a few friends’s rave reviews about Bone Music, I was intrigued. The daughter of serial killers gets super powers and decides to hunt down a serial killer?? I'm so glad I took a chance on this one! This was an impeccably plotted, well-paced page turner of a sci-fi thriller. It’s intense (hence, I had to read it in one day) and disturbing in places but more because of how Rice builds our dread than the actual content. Although, to be clear, characters do some messed up things too. I don't want to say more than that because I think you'll appreciate the storytelling so much more the less you know going in. The twists really elevated the story and I cannot wait to see how he develops this as a series.
Buy the book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble