A Little Free Library Tour Of Minneapolis's Greater Longfellow Neighborhood
A couple of weeks ago, I had lunch with my friend Sarah. Knowing my love of Little Free Libaries, she mentioned she's noticed a bunch in her neighborhood. My ears perked right up and I asked her if she'd take me on a Little Free Library tour.
It was windy and cold on the day we chose but we did not let that stop us. However, we did decide to make it a driving/walking tour of Longfellow, instead of just a walking tour. This was a great life decision.
We pulled up the Little Free Library map as our starting place but in the course of the afternoon, we found at least a handful of LFLs that were not registered and therefore weren't on the map.
We didn't make it to every LFL on the map either but in the course of 2 hours, I believe we stopped by 17 LFLs. It was so much fun! I could not get over how creative people were or the variety of books people left. Here are several of the best ones.
At our first stop, we found the most darling bookmarks and library borrowers cards. I haven't seen that before and I loved the idea!
A number of churches have LFLs. This was at a UU church, complete with its own bench. And it boasted a vintage book about Mary Lou Retton. (Neither of us took it.)
A little country Western flair.
One of my favorites of the day! A Dr. Seuss quote, bright blue, with a bench on the side.
A twofer! The one on the left is for children's books. The one of the right is for grown-ups. Plus, this is right next to Dowling Community Garden.
THAT BENCH THOUGH. I need it in my life.
This was the saddest thing. And this LFL was outside a church no less! There are plenty of times I leave a book without taking one or take a book without leaving one. I figure it all evens out in the end. But to clear out a whole LFL? This person must have been very desperate to resort to this. After this stop, we started noticing a number of the books had this very stamp or else a sticker.
It's a house mini-me! We saw a couple of these and they always make me smile.
This was my favorite of the day. It had beautiful windows on each side. And that sun!
Bird houses! There was a plaque on the side that said this was an Eagle Scout project. How cool is that?!
I didn't think I would find any books I wanted but I came away with some amazing finds. I was especially excited about the old copy of The World According To Garp, which is my third favorite John Irving novel. Tomatoland has been on my TBR for ages so that was a fun find as well. And I decided the Maisie Dobbs novel was a sign I should actually try the series so many friends rave about.
I also had fun being a book pusher with Sarah. There were a number of old favorites I told her she just had to read. We both walked away with good books!
I definitely want to go on another Little Free Library tour. Minneapolis- really, all of the Twin Cities and their suburbs- has a TON of Little Free Libraries that are worth exploring. Although hopefully next time, it'll be on a sunnier, less windy day.
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